Saturday, January 24, 2009

cute things!

I am just laying here, as usual, and I was thinking about random things. When one of Tatum's many funny sayings come to mind. For some reason, she is scared of deer. She knows that they are around our house and back behind where we live. She is constantly saying, when people leave- "watch out for deer, they may hit you!" It is the cutest and most sincere thing in the world. She does say though, that if you do hit it, you can take it to Uncle Mike and he will peel it for you! Absolutely hilarious!!!!


MrsHonea said...

The girls used to say that a lot too whenever we would be driving at night. I always told them we had to watch for deer, and I would point them out if we ever saw any. I was trying to teach them what a buck, a doe, and a fawn was too, and they called a buck "a bucket deer" for the longest. I think Savannah still does from time to time. lol